Important Action at Law

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On March 1, 2013, David Alan Carmichael filed suit in the United States District Court, Eastern Virginia, Richmond District, against Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, U.S. Health and Human Services; the Commonwealth of Virginia; and Carolyn W. Colvin, Commissioner, Social Security

Civil Action for Declaratory Judgment, Injunction

and Equitable Relief not sounding in tort

David Alan Carmichael v. Kathleen Sebelius, et al.

Sebelius - Motion to Dismiss Rule 12(b)(6) - Failure to State a Claim Upon Which The Court May Grant Relief

Initial Complaint - 3:13cv129

... Against Kathleen Sebelius and Carolyn W. Colvin in their official capacity as Secretary of Health and Human Services and Commissioner of Social Security respectively; against the Commonwealth of Virginia for unlawful



Links to Case Documents

Carmichael Cross-Motion For Summary Judgment

Carmichael Response to

Sebelius Motion to Dismiss



Carmichael Memorandum In Support of Cross-Motion For Summary Judgment


Virginia Attorney General - Motion to Dismiss Rule 12(b)(6) - Failure to State a Claim Upon Which The Court May Grant Relief, Res Judicata, Fel;dman Rooker Rule

VIRGINIA - Motion To Dismiss - Rooker - Feldman Doctrine and res judicata



U.S. Government Motion To Dismiss

Carmichael Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment - 3rd, 5th, 7th C.oA.

Virginia Government Motions

Sebelius Opposition To Carmichael Cross-Motion For Summary Judgment


Carmichael Reply To Sebelius Opposition To Motion For Summary Judgment


Carmichael Response To Virginia’s Motion To Dismiss, Rule12(b)(6) - Failure to State a Claim Upon Which The Court May Grant Relief, res judicata, etc.


U.S. District Court

Dismissal - 23 Oct 2013

Court Order


Appeal to the 4th Circuit

Appellant Informal Brief

Issues on Appeal

Sebelius Response

Virginia Response

Carmichael Reply to Sebelius

Carmichael Reply to Virginia


Appellant Re-Hearing En Banc Motion